Frequently Asked
Incase you need extra help, check out our discussion forums or FAQ section. We post the updates on regular basis, be sure to check back for the latest updates, codes cheats for your favorite PlayStation 4 games.
1. Does it work on the PS5?
A. Save Wizard will work for PS4 games on the PS5 only, PS5 games are not supported and probably never will be.
2. What System Software will Save Wizard work with?
A. Save Wizard will work on all Compatible with System Software 12.00
3. Can I buy it from a store?
Save Wizard can only be purchased through www.savewizard.net at the moment. There are some stores in the USA that sell Licenses at retail but we do not have a list of these stores.
4. How does it work?
Save Wizard requires saves to be copied from your Playstaton 4 to any compatible USB drive. Once the USB drive is inserted, Save Wizard will automatically detect and show supported saves allowing you to apply the cheats. Once this is done, simply remove the USB drive from the computer and insert into your PlayStation 4, remembering to copy the save and load your game.
5. Which region games will Save Wizard work with?
Save Wizard works with games purchased in the USA, Europe and Pacific Asian games. Japanese is not supported by Save Wizard due to a change in law rendering modifying your saves illegal. Some Japanese games <i>are</i> supported as they are often found for sale outside Japan.
6. I purchased Save Wizard, why have I not received my license yet?
Please ensure that if you are purchasing using Paypal that your Paypal email address is correct. The license key will be sent to the email address you have registered with Paypal. Please note that if your Paypal account is ‘unverified’ then it is 5 days before Paypal send us the money, hence it will be 5 days before you receive the license key. In order to remove this delay you can register your Paypal account.
7. I bought the Save Wizard but it isn't working
If you have purchased a License and started Save Wizard but get an error message, check the following. That any firewalls are set to allow Save Wizard software to run and access the Internet.Make sure your router allows outgoing port 8082. Make sure you are using the right license key, you need the client for the savewizard MAX from the download page for the online version you use a web browser, go to savewizard.online.
8. Can I use this to obtain trophies?
This feature is currently not supported
9. Can I cheat online?
Save Wizard is produced for cheating on offline saves only and, in fact, we actively try to prevent cheating online. On the odd occasion we miss something that can be used online be warned that we accept no responsibility whatsoever for any consequences of such actions such as bans etc.
10. Can I re-sign saves so that my saves can be used by other users?
Yes with limitations, we do not allow people to modify saves as a service. People excessively changing PSN-ID’s will have their license key blocked.
11. What is Quick Mode Only (QMO)?
This is specifically for saves which may contain information for online gaming. This allows us to create cheats which are still of benefit offline without them affecting online gaming. This also disables Advanced Mode which means the save cannot be manually edited.
12. Can I modify saves of other people?
You can only change the PSN-ID of the save that you are cheating every 30 days, this is to prevent people from re-signing as a service.
13. I don't have Windows. Is it available on Linux, Mac, Android, iPhone etc?
The Mac and Linux versions are now available for download as Beta test versions. They work but they still may have bugs https://savewizard.net/beta
14. Do I need to modify my PlayStation 4?
No modifications are made to the PlayStaton 4.
15. Will it void my PlayStation 4 warranty?
No, your warranty is safe, the program runs on a PC, not your PS4
16. Is it illegal to modify my save?
You should check with the local laws of your country, in most countries such as the USA this is legal. It has come to our attention that it is illegal to modify your own save files in Japan. Therefore using this product in Japan might be illegal!
17. Have you done this sort of product before?
Yes, between our team we have 30+ years of experience with cheat devices, we have worked on such products as Xploder, Action Replay, Game Shark and were recently responsible for resurrecting Game Genie for the PlayStation 3…
18. What are the games supported by Save Wizard
19. How long will Save Wizard be supported
A. We endeavour to support Save Wizard for 3 years after purchase. It should be noted that this may not be possible if we are unable to work out the new save formats that keep being added to the PS4
Become a Gaming Ninja
Save Wizard for PS4 MAX, the first and only save editor for PlayStation 4. Our in-house produced and tested cheats help you win any game, making you unbeatable.